Welcome to our library of human skills insights where we bring you the best of articles, research, and interviews with some all-round super humans.
Two Offers, One Choice: How to Decide Which Role is Right For You
Let’s be honest – having multiple job offers to choose from is a great problem to have. You worked hard in the application process, shined in the interviews, and finally got the recognition you deserve. But now you’re probably feeling the pressure to act fast and make a decision. The fear of regret is very real. So, how do you make a decision with confidence?
Happy Human, Rockstar Career: The Science Behind Happiness at Work
We spend a third of our waking hours at work. In fact, some of us spend more time with our workmates than we do with our own families and friends. If you do the maths, it amounts to a staggering 90,000 hours at work over our lifetime.
Flexible Work: How To Find Your Sweet Spot
After two very long years, March 2022 saw the return to the office for many and a glimpse of the hybrid working model. While some employees were counting down the days until they could reconnect with colleagues IRL, others have been reluctant to give up the flexibility they’ve become accustomed to whilst working from home.
Work-Life Balance: is it possible for working parents? 5 top tips
We hear a lot about the importance of ‘work-life balance’ these days, but when you’re a working parent, is this utopian ideal even possible? It’s a question many working parents wrestle with regularly, daily even.
The Art of Negotiation: How to Win Allies and Get to Yes
What comes to mind when you hear the word “negotiation”? Do you picture stuffy boardrooms with suits doing big deals? Salespeople wheeling and dealing in a showroom? Or do you think back to those times you’ve had to negotiate salary or rent? The reality is negotiating is something we all do, every day. Life is a series of negotiations – especially your working life. And if you’re going to get ahead in your career (and in life), negotiation is a skill you need to flex and sharpen.
The Lowdown on Learning Styles: Knowing Yours to Get Ahead!
Do you find yourself watching videos over reading instruction manuals? Can you focus better when studying alone or when discussing things in a group? Or do you struggle to sit still when trying to take in new information? Everyone has a learning style that works best for them. Learn about yours and how you can use it to your advantage in the workplace.
Careers Fairs: Top 5 Tips for Making the Most of Them
You’d have to be crazy to turn up to your first job interview without having prepared your outfit, your CV and examples to showcase your experience. Yet so many students turn up to university careers fairs without putting in the time and energy to make the most of them, or leave their best first impression with graduate / internship program recruiters. In this article Graduate Recruiter Lou Zoanetti shares her top 5 tips to help you make the most out of the careers fairs you choose to attend this year.
Debunking bias: understanding yours and how to correct it
How often have you made judgments based on someone’s gender, track record, age, body size or cultural background? Frequently? Sometimes? Never? The truth is, we all make judgments, and we can often make them so quickly, we barely realise we’ve done so. It’s known as unconscious bias. What makes biases “bad” is a) a lack of awareness around how they influence your decisions, and b) how they impact others.
Leading In 2022: 5 principles for team success
Great leaders matter - now more than ever. Leadership is never an easy task, but it has been even more challenging in recent years thanks to the huge changes and uncertainties brought by pandemics, economic instability and general decline in engagement.
Human on the Inside with Growth Strategist Sean Steele
We’re big believers in the power of human skills for personal and professional growth. In this article, we talk with Sean Steele, Founding Director of – a services business that provides support to Founders with $2m-$50m in turnover, scale their businesses about his personal and professional growth.
Crushing Campus Life: 5 top tips for your #UniLife debut
How to ace your first year in tertiary education? You have just finished Year 12. You did the best you could in your exams and are enjoying the summer break without a care in the world. Before you know it, it’s February (or wait, is it March already?!) and your first semester of University is just around the corner. What’s the best times for classes? How do I get there? What do I need for class? All these questions race past your mind and answers seem very hard to come by with this kind of thing. Well, we got your back. Here are 5 tips to crush uni life.
New Year, New You? 5 Top Tips for Goal-Setting Success
The prospect of a New Year can be both exciting and daunting. On the one hand, you have the opportunity to ‘start afresh’ with a positive mindset and a commitment to being your best. On the other, the very same situation can leave us feeling lost, directionless or flat because we’re either unsure about what to focus on, or overwhelmed by a never ending list of things we want to accomplish.
Watch & Learn: our top 8 human skills talks, authors, podcasts & platforms
Feeling the need to dive into the world of human skills? Want to immerse yourself in inspiration to become more self aware? We have the answer - actually, we have eight answers! These talks, authors, podcasts and platforms will change the way you look at human skills and give you the oomph to build yours. Ready to watch, listen and learn?
How to focus on strengths to build high performance at work
How to Focus on Strengths to Build High Performance at Work: Enhance your performance by leveraging your strengths effectively.
What are the most important soft skills for the future of work?
Most Important Human Skills for the Future of Work: Discover the top human skills you need to thrive in the future workplace.
How to build high performing teams by focusing on strengths
HR and business leaders need to focus on strengths, the combination of talent, skill and knowledge, in order to build high performing teams that excel. Bringing together the right mix of individuals whose strengths complement each other is key.