Code of Conduct

We exist to maximise human potential.

We commit to do so according to the requirements and expectations of this Code of Conduct.

  • We bring our best selves and collective efforts to everything we do. We behave as a leader and hold ourselves accountable to high standards. We comply with the law and regulations, and are ethical in all our stakeholder interactions.

  • We deliver innovative, high-value products and services to meet or exceed the needs of our customers. We aim to meet high quality standards and we continuously measure our outcomes to improve our offering and future impact.

  • We encourage, value and respect the diversity of thinking, talent and experiences of our employees, customers and stakeholders. We create an inclusive working environment that supports individuals and teams to be their best and to thrive.

  • We deliver a fair and safe workplace, expect our customers to do the same, and we do not tolerate discrimination or harassment of any kind. We protect and take measures to safeguard the confidential and personal information that we hold.

  • We acknowledge that our business conduct must be in balance with our environmental, social and governance obligations. We choose to understand and minimise any adverse impact, and seek to be a positive change for good whenever we can.
