Human skill development & training

Success isn’t about IQ, it’s about unlocking what makes us truly human.

Maximise your potential with human skills.

What are human skills?

Sometimes called ‘soft skills’, human skills are the non-technical skills that aren’t typically taught as part of a curriculum but allow us to function at our optimum.

We’re talking about skills like self awareness, communication, creative thinking, and resilience.

Human skills are in high demand from employers because they’re the skills that fuel innovation, adaptability, creativity and happiness in the workplace. And, when harnessed, will help you stand out to employers and thrive in your future career.

Why do human skills matter?

Wrap your head around these powerful stats:

  • Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is responsible for 58% of your job performance

  • 9 out of 10 top performers have a high EQ and earn exponentially more than their counterparts with a lower EQ

  • 43 of the 56 foundational skills required for the future of work are human skills –that’s 3/4 of the skills needed.

  • 2/3 of all jobs will be human skill intensive by 2030

  • 97% of businesses require people with a mix of technical & human skills.

Ultimately, human skills are of high value because they’re highly transferable across work and life.

They transform individuals at a human level, and when emotionally intelligent individuals are grouped together, they form high-performing teams, communities and organisations.

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Human Skills Academy now live!

Looking for fast, affordable, highly engaging programs to boost confidence, employability and overall performance?

Your search stops here! Discover our Human Skills Academy – a selection of our most popular courses for individuals, small workplace groups and organisations.

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Skills to transform individuals, organisations & communities.

The research is clear: human skills are critical for the long-term viability of stakeholder groups in every corner of the classroom.

Research across students, employees & execs strongly supports the need for human skill development.

  • Only 50%

    of respondents felt that the teaching of ‘human skills’ was a core component of their degree; 39% believed not enough focus was given in this area.

  • Almost 75%

    of respondents believe that their tertiary education could have better prepared them for, amongst other things managing stress levels, communicating with peers and conflict resolution.

  • 86% of leaders

    surveyed believe graduates are not fully prepared for the workforce and that ‘human skills’ are one of the main attributes they look for when recruiting graduates.

Human Skill FAQs

Are human skills & soft skills similar?

Good question. The answer is yes. Human skills are sometimes referred to as ‘soft skills’, but the label has evolved as mounting research indicates how critical and impactful these skills are.

Do you use any external tools?

We use the VIA Strength Survey in our Hodie app and across our programs to help participants identify their top strengths and prioritise developing these.

Do human skills improve well-being?

Human skills include the important stuff like strengths, self-awareness, resilience, and communication—all of which are proven to have a positive impact on well-being in all areas of life.

Will technology reduce the need for soft-skills?

Technology is changing faster than ever before. Although machine learning is on the rise, it’ll never substitute human qualities like empathy, emotional regulation and creativity.

I’m mid-career. Is it too late to develop my human skills?

We believe in lifelong learning and that you never lose when you invest in yourself. These skills are relevant to all stages of a career to build emotional intelligence (EQ), critical thinking, communication, creativity and resilience.

Is there employer demand for human skills?

Yes—a quarter of employers have difficulty filling entry-level vacancies because applicants lack human skills like communication, empathy, leadership and curiosity.

What people are saying.

“We often think that our degree will be good enough or our grades will be good enough. But the more I’ve gone through this journey of trying to find work, the more I realise it’s just so difficult to just hang off your degree. You need much more than that, and that’s what Maxme has done for me.”

— James, Student

“Maxme has allowed me to go through the journey of self-reflection and take the time I’ve needed to be comfortable in who I am and what I can do.”

— Pam, Workplace graduate

“Human skills are very important when it comes to your corporate life as well as every day. They help you to influence, have an impact, collaborate and communicate with people. Maxme provides the solution and support for students that are struggling to bridge that gap and get themselves ready for that professional role.”

— Taryn, Business leader