Human on the Inside with Investors for Climate, HER Planet Earth’s Christine Amour-Levar

Human on the Inside. We’re big believers in the power of human skills. But don’t just take our word for it - the evidence for excellence powered by human (‘soft’) skills is everywhere! In this engaging, ever-enlightening series, we speak with industry leaders, innovators and game-changers to learn a little about their personal career journeys, and how human-led strategies, philosophies and cultures are proving a force for good in their working worlds … 

Maxme: Welcome Christine, and thanks for stepping into the #SuccessIsHuman Spotlight! 

You’re the Founder & CEO of HER Planet Earth which has raised over a million USD to date via pioneering expeditions & events to support projects in wildlife conservation, coral restoration, and sustainable agriculture that directly benefit women’s livelihoods and increase their climate resilience. 

You’re also co-founder of Women on a Mission which advocates for more diversity, equity and inclusion, while also raising awareness and funds (about 1.5 million USD) for women who have been subjected to violence and abuse AND, most recently,  Investors for Climate which  Harnesses Capital for Climate Solutions.

With such passion for change, you’ve also stepped into an Advisory Board Member role with Utopia Capital Management, and as a Member Board of Directors for Investible. 

In 1 sentence (ok, we’ll give you a few more), what does this role entail?

Christine Amour-Levar: Thank you for the warm welcome! 

As the Founder & CEO of HER Planet Earth, I lead pioneering expeditions and events to raise funds for projects in wildlife conservation, coral restoration, and sustainable agriculture, all benefiting women’s livelihoods and climate resilience. With Women on a Mission, I advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion while raising awareness and funds for women subjected to violence and abuse. 

Most recently, as co-founder of Investors for Climate, I focus on mobilising capital for innovative climate solutions and building a community of dedicated climate investors. We organise exclusive networking events in major financial hubs worldwide, encouraging meaningful climate commitments and driving impactful change.

Lastly, my roles on the board of Utopia Capital Management and Investible involve guiding strategic decisions and ensuring our initiatives drive meaningful, sustainable change.

M: You first established Women on a Mission 12 years ago, and it’s clear you’re a serial entrepreneur - but your career has been much deeper. Starting out in advertising in Japan, you moved into PR, Events & Brand Management with Nike across USA & France (and eventually Singapore). Your first foray into entrepreneurship was in founding & managing Beijaflor Brazil Fashion which you successfully exited in 2010. From here you utilised your marketing and communications expertise along with experience in capital markets to found and work with organisations focused on building a better world. 

How does all this work speak to your personal purpose and what drives you as an individual? 

CAL: Thank you for highlighting my journey. Each step of my career has been formative, driven by a desire to learn from diverse cultures and make a positive impact. Founding organisations focused on creating change has been a natural progression of this passion.

My personal purpose is to empower others and contribute to a more equitable and sustainable world. This drives me to utilise my marketing and communications expertise, along with my experience in capital markets, to support and lead impactful social and environmental initiatives. Whether supporting women's causes, advocating for climate solutions, or building investor communities, I am committed to driving meaningful change and leaving a lasting legacy.

My dream is to be a catalyst for equity in society and to address the climate crisis by channelling significant capital toward innovative solutions. Above all, my heart is dedicated to advocating for vulnerable groups and the environment. I consider myself fortunate to have found creative ways to build this legacy and leave a positive impact on the world around me.

M: Tell us a little about your personal education pathway/s - what led you to where you are now? How closely do your formal qualifications match your current career?

CAL: Thank you for the question. My educational journey has been incredibly influential in shaping my international career. Completing the International Baccalaureate (IB) was a pivotal experience, as it provided a strong foundation and prepared me for a global perspective on education and career opportunities. The IB’s rigorous and diverse curriculum helped me develop critical thinking skills and a global mindset, which have been essential in my professional journey.

I then pursued a BA in Business and Economics at a Japanese university, where I not only received a solid academic education but also immersed myself in the Japanese language and culture. This unique experience opened the door to an exciting opportunity at Nike in the United States, where my language skills and international outlook were highly valued.

Furthering my education, I earned a Graduate Diploma in International Relations through a joint program from the University of London and the London School of Economics & Political Science. This program enriched my understanding of global affairs and equipped me with the analytical skills needed to navigate complex international landscapes.

My formal qualifications have been highly relevant to my current career. They provided me with a broad understanding of business, economics, and international relations, which are crucial for leading organisations focused on global issues such as environmental sustainability, women’s empowerment, and climate solutions. The skills and knowledge I gained from my education have been instrumental in my roles, whether at Nike, founding HER Planet Earth, and co-founding Women on a Mission and Investors for Climate.

Education has been a cornerstone of my career development, and I am grateful for the diverse and enriching experiences that have guided me to where I am today.

M: If you could share one piece of career advice to your 21 year old self it would be ...

CAL: Begin as early as possible to find ways to have a positive impact on people and the planet. Embrace every opportunity to learn from different cultures and perspectives. Building a global mindset and cultivating empathy and adaptability will open doors you never imagined and equip you to make a meaningful impact in any field you choose. Trust in your journey, stay curious, and don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.

M: Maximising the potential of individuals, communities and businesses through the power of human skills is the reason Maxme exists. Can you tell us a little about the role and / or value of human skills in your workplace right now?

CAL: Absolutely! Human skills, often referred to as soft skills, play a crucial role in our workplace and are fundamental to the success of our initiatives at Investors for Climate, HER Planet Earth, and Women on a Mission.

Firstly, communication is paramount. Whether we are organising international expeditions, hosting exclusive networking events, or advocating for women’s rights and climate solutions, clear and effective communication ensures that our message resonates with diverse audiences and stakeholders.

Secondly, empathy and emotional intelligence are invaluable. Understanding and addressing the needs and concerns of different communities, partners, and team members foster a collaborative and inclusive environment. This is particularly important in our work with vulnerable groups and in creating solutions that truly benefit the planet and its people.

Problem-solving and critical thinking are also essential. The challenges we face in climate advocacy and social impact are complex and multifaceted. Human skills enable us to navigate these challenges creatively and strategically, finding innovative solutions that drive meaningful change.

Lastly, leadership and teamwork are at the heart of our operations. Leading by example, inspiring others, and working cohesively as a team ensure that we can mobilise resources, build strong networks, and achieve our goals effectively.

In essence, human skills are the bedrock of our workplace, enabling us to maximise the potential of individuals, communities, and businesses to create a positive and lasting impact.

M: Self Awareness sets the critical foundation for all Maxme learning experiences. With that said … what’s your strongest trait / personal super power?

CAL: Self-awareness is indeed a critical foundation for growth and development. I believe my strongest trait, or personal superpower, is my ability to inspire and mobilise people towards a common goal. This involves not only having a clear vision and passion for creating positive change but also the ability to communicate that vision compellingly and authentically.

Through my work with HER Planet Earth, Women on a Mission, and Investors for Climate, I've learned that inspiring others requires empathy, understanding, and the capacity to connect deeply with diverse groups. This superpower allows me to build strong, motivated teams and foster a sense of shared purpose, driving impactful initiatives that benefit both people and the planet.

M: And on the flip side, what’s one human / ‘soft’ skill you’ve had to really work on improving over the course of your career?

CAL: On the flip side, one human or 'soft' skill I’ve had to really work on improving over the course of my career is active listening. While I’ve always been passionate about sharing my vision and ideas, I realised early on that truly understanding and valuing the perspectives of others is just as important.

Active listening involves not only hearing the words but also understanding the emotions and intentions behind them. It requires patience, empathy, and the willingness to set aside my own thoughts momentarily to fully engage with what others are communicating. This skill has been essential in building strong, collaborative relationships and ensuring that our initiatives are inclusive and considerate of the needs and insights of all stakeholders.

M: If you could share one piece of career advice with recent Uni graduates or candidates keen to work in social impact, what would it be?

CAL: If I could share one piece of career advice with recent university graduates or candidates keen to work in social impact, it would be to start by identifying your passion and aligning it with a purpose-driven mission. The social impact field is vast and multifaceted, so finding an area that genuinely resonates with you will fuel your motivation and perseverance.

Once you’ve identified your passion, immerse yourself in it. Volunteer, intern, or take on projects that allow you to gain hands-on experience and understand the real-world challenges and opportunities in your chosen field. Networking is also crucial – connect with like-minded individuals and organisations, learn from their experiences, and seek mentorship.

Most importantly, be resilient and adaptable. The path to making a significant social impact is often filled with obstacles and uncertainties. Embrace these challenges as learning opportunities, stay committed to your mission, and continually refine your skills and approach. Your dedication and ability to adapt will ultimately drive meaningful and lasting change.

M: You’ve been granted approval to add one University graduate to your team, but have 100 applicants, all with outstanding academic results. How do you find your perfect candidate - what are you looking for?

CAL: When selecting a candidate from a pool of highly qualified university graduates, I prioritise more than just outstanding academic results. I seek individuals who demonstrate a genuine passion for social impact and a clear commitment to making a difference, shown through relevant projects, volunteer work, or internships. Adaptability and resilience are crucial, as social impact work involves navigating complex and unpredictable challenges. Strong interpersonal skills are essential for effective collaboration and relationship-building, and I value candidates who exhibit empathy, active listening, and teamwork. Innovative thinking and problem-solving abilities are also important, as they drive impactful solutions. 

Lastly, alignment with our organisation’s values is key; I look for individuals who share our commitment to equity, sustainability, and social justice, and who can contribute to fostering a positive and inclusive work environment. To identify these qualities, I use a combination of behavioural interviews and situational assessments relevant to our work, ensuring the selected candidate is well-rounded, mission-driven, and ready to contribute meaningfully to our team.

M: In the words of John Dewey, “education is not preparation for life, education is life itself.” 

What’s next on your #learning agenda? 

CAL: Next on my agenda, I plan to address the growing problem of climate refugees through my work with Women on a Mission and HER Planet Earth. This pressing issue demands innovative solutions and a comprehensive understanding of global migration patterns and climate resilience strategies. By developing and implementing sustainable programs, I hope to provide support and resources to communities displaced by climate change, ensuring they have the tools and opportunities to rebuild their lives.

Additionally, I aim to continue scaling Investors for Climate across multiple key financial centres worldwide. By leveraging these hubs, we can mobilise significant capital for impactful climate solutions. Expanding our reach will enable us to connect with more investors, fostering collaboration and accelerating the development of technologies and initiatives that address the climate crisis. Through these efforts, I am committed to driving meaningful change and helping climate startups grow and scale their solutions to solve the climate crisis.

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