Human on the Inside with Aminata Maternal Foundation’s Aminata Conteh-Biger

Aminata Conteh-Biger

Human on the Inside. We’re big believers in the power of human skills. But don’t just take our word for it - the evidence for excellence powered by human (‘soft’) skills is everywhere! In this engaging, ever-enlightening series, we speak with industry leaders, innovators and game-changers to learn a little about their personal career journeys, and how human-led strategies, philosophies and cultures are proving a force for good in their working worlds … 

Maxme: Welcome Aminata, and thanks for stepping into the #SuccessIsHuman Spotlight! 

You’re the Founder & CEO of the Aminata Maternal Foundation which focuses on mothers and babies in Sierra Leone. The Foundation’s inherent belief is that every woman should be able to give birth without fear for her life or that of her child.

In 1 sentence (ok, we’ll give you 3), what does this role entail?

Aminata Conteh-Biger: This isn’t a role for me. It is an opportunity to serve humanity:

1. It requires a deep understanding and knowledge of development in Africa.

2. Raising awareness about the background of Sierra Leone and why it’s in the position it is today in maternal health (12 years of civil war, Ebola, Covid-19, etc.).

3. Breaking the system of how the Western world perceives Africa - that it isn’t capable of running its own country and Government. 

M: Whilst you established the Aminata Maternal Foundation in 2014, you’re also an author, inspirational speaker, activist, former refugee, wife, and mother of two along with being a Special Representative for Australia United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

How does all this work speak to your personal purpose and what drives you as an individual? 

AC-B: What drives me every single day is that all humans are entitled to the same human dignity. I was brought up by my father who taught me the reason why we exist - to serve others. Because of these values, I live and lead my life with deep principles. I believe I'm here to give to humanity, not because of how much is given, but because I know for sure that wherever privilege we have is meant for helping others.

M: Tell us a little about your personal education pathway/s - what led you to where you are now? How closely do your formal qualifications match your current career?

AC-B: I finished high school in Australia and enrolled in University but didn’t finish. I transferred to a college and completed a Diploma in Public Relations. To be clear, I did not study PR to work in that sector, but to strengthen my gift which is human relationships, as I’m dyslexic. 

I believe that in recognising and accepting my strengths from an early stage shaped my journey to where I’m at now.  

M: If you could share one piece of career advice to your 21 year old self it would be ...

AC-B: Don’t change anything. All the lessons, all the haves and have-nots will make sense to where you’re at now. Hold on to nothing and no one. 

M: Maximising the potential of individuals, communities and businesses through the power of human skills is the reason Maxme exists. Can you tell us a little about the role and / or value of human skills in your workplace right now?

AC-B: The value of relationships and communication, and most importantly learning and growing. 

M: Self Awareness sets the critical foundation for all Maxme learning experiences. With that said … what’s your strongest trait / personal super power?

AC-B: My strongest trait would be human dignity and my super power would be human relations. 

M: And on the flip side, what’s one human / ‘soft’ skill you’ve had to really work on improving over the course of your career?

AC-B: I think one soft skill I’ve had to work on improving is ensuring that my optimism isn’t misinterpreted as ‘chill’ or a lack of leadership.

M: If you could share one piece of career advice with recent Uni graduates or candidates keen to work in the not-for-profit space, what would it be?

AC-B: Be clear that you’re working for the organisation’s mission. 

M: You’ve been granted approval to add one University graduate to your team, but have 100 applicants, all with outstanding academic results. How do you find your perfect candidate - what are you looking for?

AC-B: Someone who understands the Foundation’s mission, why it exists, and knows the difference between working with me and working for the organisation’s mission.

M: In the words of John Dewey, “education is not preparation for life, education is life itself.” 

What’s next on your #learning agenda? 

AC-B: The courage to do something everyday. 

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