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AMICA: Everything you need to know about Maxme's human skills programs for schools

Students deserve to be prepared for the future. Yet, there's a growing disconnect between the skills students are graduating with, and the skills employers need.

Gen Z is more stressed, confused, less confident, and less prepared for the increasingly complex world of work. Yet, the vital ‘soft skills’ secondary students need to navigate and thrive in the future of modern work are not being taught to them at the most critical time. 

That's why we created Amica, Maxme's suite of human skills work readiness programs for secondary students. 

So what’s Amica all about?

Here, we dive in and share everything you need to know. 

Q. What is Amica?

Amica offers a unique approach to work readiness and strengths identification training for secondary schools. It's not just about improving confidence and decision-making skills, but also about helping students to thrive and maximise their career potential in a way that's tailored to their individual strengths.

Q. Who is Amica for?

Amica is for any secondary school looking to ready its students for the wide and wonderful world of work, in particular:

  • Students unable to attend excursions or work experience – Amica offers an alternative development opportunity

  • Students getting ready to apply for work whilst at school or upon graduation

  • Students who aren't yet confident enough to do a Structured Workplace Learning or Work Experience placement

  • Less 'academic' students, and/or those who benefit from closer, customised support

  • High-achieving students who are hungry for unique experiences to improve their skills, knowledge and employability.

Q. What do students learn through Amica's programs?

Amica is all about upskilling students with critical human skills for work readiness and student success. These skills include self awareness, navigating conflict, managing stress, emotional intelligence (EQ), learning from failure, negotiation, and communication. 

Maxme Amica programs help students to develop these skills and apply them to practical work contexts. For example, we focus on interview skills, creative problem-solving, presentation skills, building healthy work relationships, and more. 

Q. Why is there such a big focus on human skills? 

Glad you asked. 

Human skills, aka 'soft' skills, are career and life skills that support students from classroom to workplace. 

According to Deloitte, 77% of the skills young people will need in the AI and digital world of work are human skills, which they may not learn in secondary or tertiary education. The skills of creative thinking, interacting with people, empathy, collaboration, and innovation are in high demand now, and will be even more so in future.

At the same time, research shows that 68% of students are stressed and lack the confidence to start work. Our standard education system equips students with technical skills but may not adequately prepare them with fundamental human skills to be work-ready when they graduate. 

Q. Sounds like a strong case for human skills! Tell me more about these programs.

Amica offers four core programs. We recommend starting with Maxme’s Self Awareness Program, a 3-hour workshop that focuses on (you guessed it) self-awareness. This is a perfect place to start the learning journey and is the fuel for ongoing self-development.

Schools can then continue their students’ human skills learning journey via the Work Readiness Program over three, four or five days:

  • The fast-track 3-day program powers through key skill development for students about to enter the workforce or plan their careers. 

  • In the 4-day program, students develop job application and interview skills. We build self- and strength-awareness skills to help them function optimally both in teams, and the workplace.

  • The 5-day program covers all the topics more comprehensively, giving students deep insights into themselves, tools to find and secure a job, and strategies to set themselves up for career and personal success. 

Q. Which Amica program is right for my students?

Just ask us. Contact us any time to arrange a discussion about your goals, challenges and unique school requirements - our team of human skills experts will then advise you on the most suitable program/s for your needs. We can also tailor programs to suit your students and goals. 

Q. How exactly do students learn during an Amica program? 

That's the great thing about Amica: students learn through a powerful combination of in-class coaching and digital learning. 

Amica is web-based, so students log in via PC, tablet, or mobile to access content, which mirrors and supports in-class learning and activities. 

Our expert team has designed the Amica learning experience for high engagement. We promote thinking and learning by doing. Along the way, we even include gamified learning and quizzes, where students can earn points and collect badges. Students can add activity notes, learning reflections, and revisit their lessons anytime. At the end of the Amica program, they also receive a completion certificate. 

To keep the learning going, students can access Amica online anytime after program completion.

Importantly, all Amica programs are highly flexible and can be tailored to suit the unique needs of each school. Whether you prefer in-class support, virtual learning, or even a holiday program, we’ll design a human skills solution for your school and students. 

Q. Help me sell this to my boss – what are the benefits to my school and students?

In a nutshell, Amica equips students with the capabilities and confidence to navigate the world of work, and more broadly, succeed in work and life. 

Here are just some of Amica's benefits for schools and students:

  • It improves student work readiness, ensuring they build the skills to launch their careers confidently, with practical skills for mapping career pathways.

  • It builds confidence and self-awareness, which boosts student voice and self-leadership capability.

  • It develops job seeker skills, including interview skills, networking, and personal branding, and supports students in successful job applications and casual work whilst at school or on graduation. 

  • Amica optimises the employability of school students. 

  • By implementing Amica, your school is setting up more students for success, which can significantly enhance its reputation. 

  • Amica helps schools meet curriculum requirements.

  • It offers a work experience alternative for students, especially those who are not yet confident enough to do a Structured Workplace Learning or Work Experience placement.

Download our free guide to learn how to build a business case for soft skills development

Q. What about teachers – does Amica cater to their human skill development needs too?

Definitely. We recognise the importance of supporting teachers in their own careers. That's why we offer expert-led human skill development training for teachers and faculties to help them thrive in work and life. 

Got more questions?

We're here to help every step of the way. Contact us to speak with a team member about the Amica programs and discuss the best approach to prepare your students to thrive in the world of work.

You can also request a demo with our team or reach out directly via

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